Alvarez Wins UCEDC Community Investment Award
Carlos Alvarez was presented with the UCEDC Community Investment Award for his commitment to the City of Elizabeth by building a Luxury Condominium Complex on Elizabeth Avenue. The award was presented at the Union County Economic Development Company's Gala Awards Dinner. The Alvarez Family was recognized for transforming an old, dilapidated building (Spencer Auto Parts/State Theater) into a viable, mixed-use, luxury condominium complex. The new structure is complete with underground parking, first floor commercial space and a roof-top observation with views of the New York City skyline. The project will include 19 state-of-the-art units ranging from 1200-1700 square feet and have the option of two/three bedroom rooms, lofts, jacuzzi's and private balconies. Each unit comes with two indoor parking spaces with remote control access to the garage.

"The Alvarez Family should be commended for their efforts and commitment towards the revitalization of the City of Elizabeth," said Maureen Tinen, UCEDC President. "The positive impact, beautification, parking, investment, neighborhood viability, revitalization and vision and will not only improve the aesthetics of the neighborhood, but will attract new customers, shoppers and investors into the Elizabeth Avenue shopping/business district," said EAP Executive Director Dave Strochak, who nominated the Alvarez Project. "The EAP is especially proud of this project because of the way it institutes parking, commercial space and outdoor elements with the rooftop observation area-not to mention a complete beautification of the Avenue," he said. The Alvarez Project joins Miracle Plaza and Tri-State Furniture as UCEDC Award Winners nominated by the EAP. "It is an honor to accept this award on behalf of the Alvarez Family," said Carlos Alvarez. "We are so proud to take part in the revitalization of this great city," Alvarez said. For more information on the luxury condominiums please call Lillian Tricoche at Century 21, Picciuto Realty-908352-6187.